Saturday, 14 December 2013

MLP:FIM Season 4 Episode 5: Flight to the finish

Here, we start of with some "her again."

Add your own caption for this one

I came in like a rainbow dash! 

MRS.Harshwhinny is not impressed.

Still not impressed.

It's gonna be me!

"What? It could happen!" Only on the Hub!



"originality" Yes, that pony is juggling lobsters while in a beach ball.

whats with the expressions this episode? 

"flapping like this" Again, way funnier in my head...

Notice the princess Celestia picture in the backround.

Now, Kiss!

Rainbow "professional" Dash. The funny thing is, I actually know someone who's real middle name is Danger.  

Rainbow Dash tries dressage.

"So, what do you say we come up with the perfect routine and win this thing!" Yes, very original, I bet nopony else has thought of that... 
"Whats special about ponyville?" Maybe the fact that there is a princess living there?

Awkward horn shot. What do their horns even feel like?

"there's earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi!" and what about an alicorn?


I could probably make some movie reference here...

Queue western music!

Pon, do you even lift?

Lion king right here.

We've got hearts as strong as horses. Or farts.... horse farts smell pretty bad. Trust me, I have my own horse...

Bro! do you even lift?

That works too...

For the win. She said for the win! 
That works too i guess.

Not the butterfly!

Physics, how do they work.

Commence slow clapping.

Gosh, shut up, i hate you.


This is spot on to my reaction.

Butt touch! Can't you get diseases this way?

Good, their leaving.

Earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi! Aren't you forgetting somepony? Also, she just said awesome awesomeness. 

Forget flying, scoottering it sweet!

Wait, how did these girls get their hands on explosives?

I don't like you, so I will draw on you.

That's better.

Unnecessary black bars are unnecessary.



What you need is 5 hour energy.

"there are four" Yes, right. "NO, three" DARNIT SCOOTALOO

This reminds me of a certain season 4 episode where a certain apple pony sends away a certain alicorn.

You tried...

By the time Applebloom and Sweetiebell walk of the scene, you can hear the train leaving.

how did you get in there, RD?

Random house...

"I really don't like them." Your not alone on that one.

"throwing out your scooter?" How did she know?

Um, rainbow flying right now is kind of adding insult to injury...

"Earth pony, unicorn...

...And pegasi!"

'am I forgetting one?  Nah!'

This is basically...

Well, That escalated quickly!

I'm actually disappointed I didn't get to see their routine... 

Well, i have to say this wasn't the best episode, but at least its not the ticket master...

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